
Glentenle, Glentendill, Glentaill, Glendudh, Glendhu, Glendu
The name of the Abhain Tendil is the burn in Glean Dubh .. that has since been flooded for the Barcaldine dam, completed in 1984
Glendu was the more modern name, so the family history records are there.

  • * 1470

Title Lorn (entire), Argyll
Dates 1470-1814
Access status Open
1. Copy charter by Colin, earl of Ergyle, to Sir Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt., of 6 merkland of Barcaltin, 4 merkland of the two Culcarrans, 6 merkland of Feairlochan, 6 merkland of Achakathe, 6 merkland of Achianragir, 4 merkland of Inerdergan, 2 merkland of Condallych, 2 merkland of Letterduvaltane and Dareanlochan, 2 merkland of Glentenle, 2 merkland of Blaircroske, 8 merkland of Achanaba, 2 merkland of Caderle More, 2 merkland of Barnadeass and Barsalchan, 2 merkland of Corevore, 2 merkland of Drumavoke, 2 merkland of Gleniferme, 2 merkland of Ballach, 2 merkland of Corevlycheag, 2 merkland of Barnamuk, 2 merkland of Terriwin and Clachvrak, 2 merkland of Crounachie, 2 merkland of Barmdryn, 4 merkland of Furtove and Duvcove of Gleno, 2 merkland of Errare, 2 merkland of Inercarnane and Lettermolchallum, third part of 2 merks of forest called Penemore, 8 merkland of Keanlochlagan, 2 merkland of Achichoskrachan, one merkland of Finaltin, 4 merkland of Achinagon, 3 merkland of Innerahawle, one merkland of Corelorne, 20s land of Portcarrane, 3 merkland of Balleveolane, 2 merkland of Castin Chaven, 2 merkland of Ballemakillychane, 5 merkland of Ballegrounvolava, 40d (land of) Keanalachan, 2 merkland of Sornvallach, 6 merkland of Barrangearre, 4 merkland of Barnacarry, one merkland of Coirferne, a third part of 2 merkland of Achichicheych, and third part of 12 merkland of Sorapa and a third part of 5 merkland of Kilbride in Achicogna, a third part of 4 merkland of Ardoran Easter and a third part of 6 merkland of Barnacarry, in lordship of Lorne, sheriffdom of Argyll.
At Inverera, 17 December 1470.
Witnesses: James Skrimgeour of Glasrad, Colin Campbell of Ardchonglas, David Uchtre, provost of collegiate church of St Mundus (Kilmun), notary, Neil Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Archibald McYwr, Angus 'Medico' [leech], and John son of Duncan Campbell.

  • 1627 GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century

GD112/23 Bonds, Discharges and Related Documents 1548-1914
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/23/14
Title Bonds, discharges and related papers
Dates 1627-1630
Access status Open
Location On site
Description Including:
1. 1627, January 31.
Testificate by Donald McEan VcKerres in Finglen in Ardewnaig that, being indebted to Colin Campbell, fir of Glenurquhay, in 1603, in sum of 40 merks, he voluntarily delivered with his own hands, to Donald McGillecroych, said Colin's officer, ‘ane broun braikit kow and ane grey braikit kow’, to which none of granter's children had any right.

9. 1628, June 5.
Instrument narrating that procurators for Colin Campbell, fiar of Glennorchie, produced criminal letters at instance of Gilbert Robertsone in Dunfallandies, as father, John Robertsone, eldest brother, with remaining kin and friends of deceased William Robertsone, against Robert McAgowane in Mowlyine, John and Allister McAgownes, his two sons, by which said defenders are put to the horn for not finding caution to have compeired before the law, for slaughter of said deceased William.

11. 1628, September 6.
Assignation by Patrick McQuein in Eglisteinsoun to Robert Campbell of Glenfalloche of a grey horse, white tailed and white faced, three years old, stolen from granter by Donald MacKindow in Dulatour and Gilchrist MacGregour, his servitor, on 11 August last, out of granter's chamber within Eglisteinsoun.

13. 1629, February 14 and 20.
Discharge by dame Margaret Campbell, lady Lowdoun, and Lady Elizabeth Campbell, her sister, daughters of deceased George, master of Lowdoun, and heirs portioners by progress to deceased Sir Duncan Campbell, grandsire of deceased Sir Hew Campbell, kt, who was grandsire to deceased Sir George Campbell of Lowdoun, kt, who was grandsire to deceased Sir Matthew Campbell of Lowdoun, granters' grandsire, with consent of John, lord Lowdoun, spouse of said Margaret, and of curators of said Elizabeth, of action of improbation against Archibald, earl of Argyll, and Archibald, lord Lorne, his son, for production before Lords of Council and Session, of writs of lands of Bendirdalloch and others, granters being served heir therein ‘be virtew of an auld chartar grantit to the said umquhill Sir Duncane and his airis thairupoun be umquhill King Robert Bruce of worthie memorie’, and granters being willing that said action insofaras the same comprehends lands, mills, fishings etc, pertaining to Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt, and Colin Campbell, fiar thereof, his son, held by them of said Archibald, earl of Argyll, they renounce said action insofar as it extends to lands etc in Lorne and within sheriffdoms of Argyll, Tarbert and Perth, pertaining to said Sir Duncan and Colin.

16. 1629, April 16.
Bond by Colin Campbell in Ardmakmonnan to pay to Andrew McFarlan, possessor of lands of Lettir, in name of composition for kindness of liferent tack thereof granted to said Colin by Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt, ‘with his blissing sick sowmes of money as it sall pleis the said Sir Duncan Colein his sone the auld laird of McFarlane with any other tua freindis to ordayne and decerne me to pay to the said Andro in name forsaid Provydeing I the said Colein and the said Andro McFGarlan aggrie not betuix ourselffis for the girnell and kyndnes of the forsaidis landis of Lettir’.

19. 1629, December 21.
Discharge by Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt, to Robert Campbell of Glenfalloch, of 2000 merks in complete payment of his part of 2000 merks advanced by said Duncan to said Robert and to John Dow McEwin in Ferlochan, for bigging a salt pan in said Duncan's town and lands of Glentendill, and also for all years duties due therefrom.
Level File
Extent 22 items

  • 1654 Blaeu map
  • 1663 GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century

GD112/2 Titles to Particular Lands 1398-1907
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/2/82
Title Glentendill, in Parish of Ardchattan, Argyll
Dates 1663-1678
Access status Open
Location On site
Level Sub-series

  • 1663 GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century

GD112/2 Titles to Particular Lands 1398-1907
GD112/2/82 Glentendill, in Parish of Ardchattan, Argyll 1663-1678
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/2/82/1
Title Obligation by Alexander McDougall in Ferlochan to remove from lands of Ferlochan and Glentendill, parish of Balliebodin, lordship of Lorne, Argyll-shire, in terms of decreet of removing against him of 24 February at instance of John Campbell, younger of Glenwrquhie
Dates 24 Mar 1663
Access status Open
Location On site
Description Written by John Hope, writer, Edinburgh. Signed by John Hope and William Fisher, notaries.
Witnesses, Patrick Strachan, writer, Edinburgh, William McCome, writer there, James Johnstone, indweller there, and Robert Greirsone, servant to Edward Hill, clerk to the Tolbooth.
Level File

  • 1664 GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century

GD112/2 Titles to Particular Lands 1398-1907
GD112/2/82 Glentendill, in Parish of Ardchattan, Argyll 1663-1678
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/2/82/3
Title Contract of wadset for 4000 merks scots by John Campbell, younger of Glenvrchay, Barcaldine
Dates 28 May 1664
Access status Open
Location On site
Description With consent of Sir John Campbell of Glenvrchay, and Donald Campbell, son to Patrick Campbell of Inveryeldies, and Barbara Campbell, wife of said Donald Campbell, over 4 merklands of old extent of Glentendill in the third part of the Lordship of Lorne held at the House of Argyll lying in Bendiralich in lordship of Lorne, Argyll-shire. Said Barbara Campbell was to be infeft in liferent of 3000 merks thereof conform to marriage-contract. Reddendo £20 scots.
Entry to grazing and pasture to be at Whitsunday next and to arable at Hallowmas next thereafter, Wadsetter to have outgoing crop. Redemption in parish church of Kilboadin, but not before 9 years. Written by Harie Chrystie, notary, who witnesses with John Campbell, fiar of Inveryeldies, John Campbell of Kendloch and Robert Stirling, fiar of Coldoch.
Level File

TOLBOOTH, 27 October 1677, by Mr. John Campbell of Moy, Justice Deput of Argyll, by COMMAND OF ARCHIBALD 9TH EARL OF ARGYLL : John McIlverie Dalavich had cow stolen by Donald McIllmichall - John dow Mcdonald v^ranald in **Glentendill** was involved !
John M^Ilverie in Dalavich persews Donald Mcllmichall vagabond without residence and Donald dow M^Gregour in Dalavich for a cow they stole from him upon 4 or 5 October last. Donald Mcllmichall examined confesses that he and John dow Mcdonald v^ranald in **Glentendill** ^ and Alhster oge m^donel v^gorie in Ardnaclach in Appyne coming from Kilmichall in Glastrie met with the said Donald dow McGregor at Dalavich and after cloud of night bought the said kow from him for 11 1 marks. The culprits had previously trysted at the Michaelmas Fair at Kilmichael and agreed to steal something ' worth ther paynes.'
Donald the vagabond also admitted other thefts of cattle & horses from the Laird of Lochnell, in the Lands of Lome ^ etc. which he had ' taskalled,' ^ others from Lismore and Appin. The names of other common thieves were given up.The above Justice Court was continued on the 15 November 1677, when Donald dow Mcllmichall and the above Donald dow M^Gregour again appeared. Donald (the Vagabond) was particularly pursued ' for that horrid cryme of corresponding with the devill and consulting him anent stollen goods and getting informatione for discoverie thereof being expressly contrare to the 73 Act, Queen Mary Pari.
. Interrogat if he mett with them in other places Answers that he mett them in Leismore and at the Shian of Barcaldine and still saw the old man that seemed to
' be cheif being ane large tall corporal Gardman and ruddie
' and that he wes engadgeit to conceall them and no to tell
' other. Bot that he told it to the forsaid Robert Buchanan
' once fer which he was reproved and stricken be them in

  • the cheik and other pairts, and that he mett them still

' on ilk Sabaths nights and that he playd on trumps ^ to
' them quhen they danced.
' 5°. Being interrogat as he consulted the devill and these
' evill spirits anent stollen goods answers that he went
' and enquyred anent stollen goods and that it wes told
' him especiallie of the stealling these twa horses from
' McAllister V^Lauchlane in Ballegowine in Leismore.
' And that at other tymes loist goods wes told him without

  • asking quhilk he wes discovering to the owners. Upon

' all quhilks haill foresaid confessione the Procurator
' Fiscall taks instruments.' (Signd) Nicoll Zuill. As a result of this confession the Jury unanimously
found him guilty of theft and of consulting with evill spirits sundry times (Mr. Archibald M^Corquidill in Auchna- maddie being Chancellor). On 17 November 1677. Sentence was pronounced by
the Justice Depute ' the said Donald Mcllmichall to be taken on Moonday 19 Nov. instant be 2 acloak in the efternoon and on the Ordinare gibbet at the gallow farlane ther to be hangit to the death, and to forefault his haill moveable goods and gear, Requyreing the Magistrats of Inveraray to sie this sentance put to executione.' The other culprit was tried subsequently, and also apparently hung at a later date.
' A typical fairy mound, on the south side of Loch Creran, near the ferry to Appin. Much fairy lore will be found in Superstitions of the Highlands and
Islands of Scotland, by the Rev. John Gregorson Campbell, minister of Tiree.
^ Generally means a Jew's-harp.
' Glentendil, a small glen in the Benderloch near Barcaldine House.
' ' Xascal money. The money formerly given in the Highlands to those who
should discover cattle that had been driven off, and make known the spoilers.' JAMIESON

  • 1678 GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century

GD112/2 Titles to Particular Lands 1398-1907
GD112/2/82 Glentendill, in Parish of Ardchattan, Argyll 1663-1678
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/2/82/6
Title Renunciation by Donald Campbell, Fordew, son of Patrick Campbell of Inneryeldies, to John, Earl of Caithness, Viscount Breadalbane etc., formerly John Campbell, younger of Glenurchie, for himself and late Barbara Campbell, his wife, of wadset of Glentendill in Benderloch with effect from Whitsunday 1677
Dates 8 Jun 1678
Access status Open
Location On site
Description Written by John Brown, servant to John Mitchell, steward clerk of Strathern.
Witnesses: Colin Campbell of Monzie, Alexander Campbell of Innerzeldies, Colin Campbell, minister of Ardchattan and said John Mitchell.
Rec. G.R.S. 20 June 1678.
Level File

  • GD170 Papers of the Campbell Family of Barcaldine 1539-1961

Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD170/85
Title Instrument of sasine in favour of Patrick Campbell, eldest lawful son of Donald Campbell in Glentendill, of lands of Innerinan Easter, within barony of Lochow and sheriffdom of Argyll, following on disposition reserving his liferent by said Donald, dated 8 June, 1678
Dates 10 Aug 1678
Access status Open
Location On site
Description [Recorded G.R.S. 21 August, 1678.]
Level File
GD170 Papers of the Campbell Family of Barcaldine 1539-1961
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD170/86
Title Instrument of sasine in favour of Colin Campbell, son of Donald Campbell in Glentendill, of lands of Nether Fernoch, within barony of Lochow and sheriffdom of Argyll, following on disposition reserving his liferent by said Donald, dated 8 June, 1678
Dates 10 Aug 1678
Access status Open
Location On site
Description [Recorded G.R.S. 21 August, 1678.]
Level File

  • 1802 Langlands map

Land Assessment Scotland - Denis Rixson

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