
Lists of ministers
1618 Ardchattan and Muckairn combined
1649 separated again.
1661 rejoined again.
1846 once more separated.

9 Jun 1694. Acknowledgement of the Confession of Faith by John Campbell, minister of Ardchattan and Killesbigkerill.

1575 Duncan Campbell
1639 John McIlvorie
1640 Archibald McCalman
1667 Colin Campbell
1730 Archibald Bannatyne
1732 James Stevenson
1756 Ludovick Grant
1796 George Campbell
1817 Hugh Fraser
1844 Donald MacCalman
1874 Hugh MacLachlan


The minister of the united parishes of Ardchattan and Muckairn “came out” at the Disruption. The charges were at once disjoined, and he continued in that of Ardchattan. Sites were refused for church and manse, and he was obliged to reside in Oban. The church was erected in 1844. For history of congregation after Mr. Fraser’s retiral, see APPIN. It was proposed to reunite Ardchattan with Muckairn, but objections to this course prevailed. The manse was built in 1862.

Free church Membership
1848, 100 (including adherents);
1900, 37.

Hugh Fraser, M.A., 1843-1851


Text of Ewing’s Annals
Born at Croy, Nairn, 1780. Studied at the University, Aberdeen, and Divinity Hall, Edinburgh. Licensed by the Presbytery of Nairn in 1805. Ordained at Oban, 1807. In 1809 Mr. Fraser became assistant minister of the parish (Kilmore). Translated to the united parishes of Ardchattan and Muckairn, Argyllshire, 1817. Married, 1818, Maria Helen Campbell. Signed the Act of Separation and Deed of Demission. Muckairn was disjoined from Ardchattan, and Mr. Fraser continued minister of the latter till his retirement, 1851. Died, 1865.

Supplementary Information
Life and Ministry
1807, Oban, FES, Vol.4, p.101; 1809, Kilmore, FES, Vol.4, p.95; 1817, Ardchattan, FES, Vol.4, p.82; FES, Vol.8, p.332. In the Free Church, he served in Ardchattan, Argyll.

Chalmers Guthrie Burns Tree.

Publications – by him
New Statistical Account, Ardchattan, Vol.7, Argyll, p.468 and Muckairn, p.509
The Scottish Christian Herald, Vol.3, p.296, Christ the Resurrection and the Life; 2nd series, Vol.2, The Preaching of the Word and Prayer: the Great Instruments for the Enlargement of the Church, pp. 441; 456

William McDougall - 1855 ? for 11 years - Appin and Ardchattan joined
The Free Church of Scotland Monthly, December, 1892, Obituary, p.301

John Sutherland, 1860 —

Text of Ewing’s Annals
Born at Brora, 1829. Studied at the Universities, Aberdeen and Edinburgh, and New College, Edinburgh. Ordained at Ardchattan, 1860. Married, 1862, Isabella MacGregor Bannerman.
Supplementary Information : Life and Ministry : FUFC, p.292. In the Free Church, he served in Ardchattan, Argyll.

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