MacIntyre McIntyre

Clan / surname MacIntyre / McIntyre
‘Mac an t-Saoir’, meaning ‘son of the carpenter’.
there are a lot of spellings in records — McEntire : MacEntire : Vcinteir : VcYnteire : Vcinteire - to be added to

The clan MacIntyre chief family reputed originated from a MacNeill progenitor, settling in Skye then moving to Glenoe off Loch Etive in the 1400s which was a small glen, rich in grazing for raising cattle.
The glen is not a big area, so few people lived in the glen itself, just the chiefs family with farm hands etc. The chief did not own the land, nor any other land where he could have tenants.
The local Argyll MacIntyres were tenants of many different Campbell landowners : Lochnell, Barcaldine, Ardchattan, Inverawe, Argyll, and particularly Breadalbane where many were foresters for his massive estates of managed deer woods

By the 1600s there were MacIntyres all over Scotland; involved in life and battles : some ended up in the colonies via different routes - transportation, desperation and emigration.

There is Lots of MacIntyre information on electric scotland including the very detailed research from Martin MacIntyre
And much more curated by Alastair MacIntyre of Canada who runs the Electric Scotland website

The Clan MacIntyre book by Martin McIntyre 2018 edition
you can get a kindle copy instantly
You can get a print copy direct from Martin himself which will obviously cost more and postage but it is a LOVELY book so worth having …
the small advantage of the kindle version is being able to search for key words ..
I don't share other peoples emails in FB but if you message I can give it to you.

The Genealogy of the MacIntyres project run by Val Bichener : Facebook Group and the Ancestry Tree for the World MacInytre Families
| MacIntyre Map - add your ancestors and their location

MacIntyres of Letterbaine
Micum, Robert, Phillip McIntire - transported to USA after battle of Dunbar, very unlikely to have any direct connection to Ardchattan, Glenoe, or our area. Most likely to be tenants of Breadalbane around the Loch Tay area
descendants of Micum McIntire book

FB places

  • Genealogy and DNA for Clan MacIntyre
  • Clan MacIntyre
  • Clan MacIntyre Association
  • Clan MacIntyre Trust
  • Micum McIntire Clan Association

there are also several MacIntyre groups

how the MacIntyres got their name -
the MacIntyres and the Glencoe Massacre 1692

MacIntyres were known as the foresters of the area, for the MacDougalls, Stewarts and Campbells in turn.
This Glasgow University PhD dissertation is a great study of the Black Mount forest of the Earl of Breadalbane in the 1700 and 1800's : use "find" to check the MacIntyre and McIntyre references A social and economic history of the Blackmount Deer Forest, Argyllshire, 1815-1900


Click here to hear the Prince's lament on the pipes, written by a MacIntyre before the first Jacobite rising. At the 2018 Clan Gathering we were priviledged to hear just part of this played by a MacIntyre piper on the most ancient pipes in existence - the faerie pipes, loaned out by the West Highland Museum in Fort William

1841 census McIntyres - there were 108 McIntyres in 1841
1851 census McIntyres -

The original home of the MacIntyre was on the east side of the top end of Loch Etive - particularly around Glenoe (page has archive references for the families and glen) and Inverliever, the next glen up Loch Etive, with the Letterbaine cadet having the wadset of the other side of Ben Cruachan lands down to Lochawe.

July 2018 Clan Gathering : join the genealogy DNA group for the Gathering

The McIntyre Clan : 155 pages - a compilation of internet articles on the history of the MacIntyre Clan, compiled and published into PDF format in 2007
Clan MacIntyre notes

Traditionally the clan name was established by Somerled from Macarill.
Also tradition suggests they came from Skye around 800 and 1200 AD,.

Macarill’s descendants later established themselves on the mainland where, according to legend, they were warned by a spirit only to settle where a white cow in their herd came to rest. The land they settled was the rich and fertile Glen Noe by Ben Cruachan on Loch Etiveside. By the end of the thirteenth century the Macintyres were foresters to the Lord of Lorn, an office they held through the passing of the lordship from the Clan MacDougall to the Stewarts and finally the Clan Campbell.1

1500s - reference to poems of "professional bard" - An Bard Mac an t-Saoir on p56 Book of the Dean of Lismore including the very dark gaelic poem of the Ship on Rannoch Moor - ‘Ship of Evil Women’ poems Two poems by´the bard Macintyre´, progenitor of the Badenoch Macintyres, appear among the works making up Scotland´s first ever anthology of Gaelic poetry, The Book of the Dean of Lismore (p56)

At Inverlochy in Febuary 1645 - the Royalist and the (Argyll) Covenanters both had MacIntyres in their ranks2

1697 Campbell of Barcaldine had a piper McIntyre :

By the mid-1690s the MacCrimmons are confirmed to have been located in the Hebrides and seem to have been recognised as masters of their craft. An order from John Campbell, Earl of Breadalbane to his chamberlain, Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine reads: "Give McIntyre ye pyper fforty pounds scots as his prentises(hi)p with McCrooman till May nixt as also provyde him in what Cloths he needs and dispatch him immediately to the Isles".3

in the 1715 Rising the Breadalbane Campbells were on the Jacobite side, and so were other associated smaller clans, including the McIntyres as their tacksmen and wadsetters. Those under Argyll were Redcoats ! Yet one more example of the complicated local politics between the Campbell lines from Argyll and Breadalbane, the two most powerful clans in Scotland (and beyond)

MacIntyres at Culloden
in 1746 ten MacIntyres were recorded as having been killed or wounded as part of the Stewart of Appin regiment that supported Bonnie Prince Charlie. They may have been in association with the MacDonalds, whose Glencoe lands were just at the top of Glen Etive. No records of the MacIntyres that were on the Hanovarian side. The Duke of Argyll was very persuasive to keep the majority on this side.
There is some suggestions that significant MacIntyres used their medical expertise to be as neutral as possible.
There were repercussions from the Jacobite support from Campbells after the rising.4

Duncan Ban MacIntyre, born in 1724 in Glen_Orchy on the other side of Ben Cruachan, is considered by scholars to be the “Burns of the Highlands”. He spoke only Gaelic and in the oral Gaelic tradition composed and passed on his songs in public and private presentations. It was left to others to write down and publish his “songs”. Although he fought against Bonnie Prince Charlie, he was imprisoned for a song he wrote against the Act or Proscription of the Highland Dress that was imposed after the ‘45 rebellion failed. His contemporary, James MacIntyre, third Chief of record, was also a poet and wrote with great force and sarcasm against the criticism of Scottish life by Samuel Johnson, the famous English writer and lexicographer. MacIntyres of Rannoch were hereditary pipers to the Menzies of Menzies.5

MacIntyres living in Cladich, not far from Glen Noe near Loch Awe, were highly acclaimed for their weaving and for some time their “Cladich Garters” (stockings) were an essential part of the Highland Dress.6

The MacIntyres managed to remain in Glennoe until the early 1800's - losing their tenure in 1806, the chiefs family left, with the young chief returning to get married, but in 1822 the Chiefs of Clan MacIntyre emigrated to the United States for good.

Clan Trust website - - but most of the content is for members only.

Like so many clans, the family records have been lost. recorded chiefs :
Duncan MacIntyre married a daughter of Campbell of Barcaldine.

  • The chief led the clan in support of the Duke of Argyll at the Battle of Inverlochy (1645) when the Clan Campbell of Argyll were surprised by Montrose and routed.
  • Duncan died in 1695 and is buried in Ardchattan Priory

James, the third chief, was born around 1727.

  • He was sponsored by the Campbell, Earl of Breadalbane and studied law, being regarded as a good scholar and a poet.
  • On his father’s death he returned to Glen Noe.

Duncan - 4th Chief emigrated to America
Donald - 5th Chief emigrated to America
Campbells of Breadalbane held the rental of the MacIntyre lands, and as the rents were raised beyond the ability of the chiefs to pay, they left. By 1806 the Glennoe lands were no longer Clan MacIntyre.
There is a tale of the rental of the past having been a symbolic payment of a snowball paid in June and a calf, but these were commuted to payment of money rent, which increased over the years until the land and people could no longer sustain themselves and pay the rental dues.

some weblinks to get started -

but for much more in depth information

History of the MacIntyre Clan
©copyright Martin MacIntyre
10th Jan 2001.
Dear Electric Scotland Netters (I made it up but I'm sure it isn't original).

The following are drafts of first parts of a planned 2nd Edition of my father's book CLAN MAC INTYRE, A Journey to the Past by L. D. MacIntyre, self-published 1977, Lib. Of Congress Catalog Card # 77-81280 (pre ISBN). It is out of print and he is no longer with us, so I have no choice but to carry on the family responsibility. The Table of Contents will give you some idea of what is missing, especially the visuals. Feel free to contact me and say whatever you like (no profanity please). I already have many people sending me the typos, grammatical errors, additions and subtractions etc. It is surprising and helpful that what one persons sees the other misses. I don't mind if you forward this material so long as no one sells it. Eventually it will be published and if you like you can e-mail me so you can be on the mailing list. MacIntyres have some great legends that make excellent bedtime stories. You can contact me, Martin MacIntyre, at moc.onuj|erytnicam.nitram#moc.onuj|erytnicam.nitram. I do not have a web site yet. Thanks for your interest and support. Marty (Martin Lewis MacIntyre, L. D. MacIntyre's youngest son.

Part I - Scottish History - 7000 B.C. to c. 1800 A.D.
Part II - Mac Intyre History – c. 800 TO 2000 A.D.
Part III - Houses of Clan MacIntyre
Part IV - MacIntyre Culture
Part V - Legends, Stories and Poems
Transcription of the 16 Feb. 1737 agreement signed by Donald McIntyre (II) of Gleno
Muster list for the rebels showing 24 MacIntyres involved.

Modern day Glennoe is a secluded B&B

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