Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD170/3000
Title Letter from John Campbell, 2nd marques of Breadalbane, to Sir Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, 2nd bt.
Dates 1842-1856
Access status Open
Location On site
Description Estate and personal matters.
Dated at Taymouth, London, Brighton, Florence, Baveria etc.
1846, July 5. Gives Barcaldine instructions on how to act if he is informed that the Queen intends to visit Taymouth.
He is to get flags made as well as 6 or 8 carronades for Easdale and Oban, the latter to be placed so that salutes can be fired; the kitchens are to be put into good order.
1847, April 8. Florence. Discusses in detail what should be done to the estate.
1847, July 2. Agrees with Barcaldine that everything should be done at Oban, the forest house, Killin and Taymouth to give the Grand Duke Constantine the very best reception: venison cutlets are to be prepared, ‘there should also be our national dish a haggis of deer for dinner … and recommend it to the Duke’.
1848, March 24. Deals with management of the gardens at Taymouth.
1848, April 4. On Stewart's mismanagement of the granite quarries.
1855, November 5. Hopes that ‘the unfortunate personal question is considered by all at an end’. Intends to settle £200 yearly upon Barcaldine as well as a salary of £200 while he remains with Breadalbane, and a house.
1856, August 2. Complains of Barcaldine's altered conduct in breaking the engagement, ‘so unlike the conduct of a man of honour that either I must have been grievously mistaken as to your real character, or you must now be acting under an influence which has deprived you of the power of exercising either sound judgement or proper feeling’. Condemns Barcaldine's unjust and unfounded accusations against Lady Breadalbane.
44 letters with 45 scroll answers, 1846-56, including the following:
1847, February 15. Gives details of state of quarries at Easdale, Barrs granite quarry, railways etc.
1847, June 4. Reports on destitution in Nether Lorne; thinks the people on Breadalbane's estates are better off than those in any other part of the highlands; ‘how can they be otherwise than well off when your lordship expends a thousand pounds a month in wages in that parish [Kilbrandon and Kilchattan,] one of the smallest in the highlands’.
1847, June 26. On visit of Grand Duke Constantine to Taymouth.
1847, August 19. ‘I write to inform you that Her Majesty passed through Easdale about ½ past nine oclock this morning’. Gives details of the welcome she was given.
1847, August 20. ‘The Dream’, Fortwilliam. Is now at anchor off Fortwilliam; the royal squadron arrived this morning; writer has presented the deer for the Queen; has been on board the royal yacht and was kindly received by the Prince who ‘thanked me for the deer, enquired after your Lordship and Lady Breadalbane and made some remarks about the scenery …..’
1848, January 2. On condition of the quarries - Easdale, Kilchattan and others.
1848, March 27. Announces triumphantly that he shot 143 hares in four hours on Tuesday and 230 in three hours on Friday.
1848, April 5. Gives details of new glass needed for the pine [apple] pits, the grape houses and the greenhouse, and of proposed alterations in the garden.
1853, April 13. On danger of fire at Taymouth; urges installation of an engine to deal with an outbreak.
1853, April 26. ‘Peter Robertson has kept two fine young pups of the fine deerhound breed for Count Potocki’.
1854, July 27. Has inspected the new Glenetive road; describes its condition with a sketch.
1856, July 20. Complains of the accommodation provided for himself and family; cannot conduct Breadalbane's affairs longer under present circumstances; his wife's health has suffered by being forced to leave Taymouth [at the request of Lady Breadalbane,] and she needs absolute rest; the effect upon her nervous sytem is such that writer cannot leave her for a single day, so that he will be unable to conduct Breadalbane's business.