Weedy small loch - but which Loch .. Lochandubh is a bit far and behind Letterwalton lands.
Giants graves
MacPhederan blacksmiths
- 1570
CONTRACT of Defence and Manrent between Coline Campell of Glen-urquhay and Johnn Steward of Appin against all persons, the authority and the Earls of Argyill only excepted ; the said Johnn Steward being bound to serve the said Coline Campbell in the Highlands on his own expences and in the Lowlands on the reasonable expences of the said Coline Campbell. Signed at Balloch before witnesses Duncann Campbell fiar of Glenurquhay, Duncann Campbell of Glenlyoun, James Steward in Appin John M'Conachie Roy in Feurlochan and Mr George Quhyt, 4 December 1570.1
What is this : ( Highland Monthly II , 430 ) the verse occurs in a poem ascribed to Fear Fheurlochain , i.e,, the Goodman of Feurlochan in Benderloch2 .
|1751 Land tax records
Duncan Campbell of Barcaldin
Barcaldin £21.2.1
Culcharran £6.14.4
Ferlochan £13.3.9
GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century GD112/10 Tacks and Related Papers
31. Letter from John Stewart, notary, addressed 'sir', n.d. [perhaps 1664].
Jonet McDougall, 'your mens father sister', has liberty to sow the present crop and stay in Ferlochan till 15 May next: she has six horsegang in Ferlochan, paying for each horsegang three bolls meal, one boll bere 15s, for tartan 15s, for butter etc., and her proportional part of three wedders which are paid by the whole town; other horsegangs.3
1741 .. story of Archibald MacCallum and the murder of his wife Effy https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-oban-times/20180104/281861528888311
|Farm Horse Tax 1797-1798, Volume 01 E326/10/1/140
Donald MacIntyre Achinroan 1 1 £0.2.0
Alexander Cuningham Ferlochan 1 1 £0.2.0
Archibald Campbell Ferlochan 1 1 £0.2.0
Donald Kennedy Ferlochan 1 1 £0.2.0
Donald MacKenzie Cuilcharran 2 1 1 £0.2.0
Duncan MacTavish Cuilcharran 1 1 £0.2.0
Ferlochan is a settlement (fermtoun) situated on side of Loch Linnhe between Culcharran and Rhugarbh
Part of the Campbells of Barcaldine Estates (Cameron, Oglive)
East Ferlochan is opposite the Free Church and behind Rhugarve farm
West Ferlochan is opposite the junction where the road to Barcaldine Castle past Dalintober meets the main A828 road, you are likely to see some wonderful Highland Cattle here.
The ancient family of Ferlochan was the McPhederan's who were mostly based around Loch Fyne and Glenaray, they were blacksmiths .. reputedly producing top quality arrows and swords at their forge at Park farm, Ferlochan.
It is possible that the forge area used by travelling smiths in generations later has been found by Rhugarve slip.
Bogha dh'iubhar Easragain,
Ite firein Locha Treig,
Ceir Bhuidhe Bhaile nan gaillean,
Smeoirn o'n cheard MacPheiderean.Bow of the yew of Easragan,
Feather of the eagle of Loch Treig,
The yellow wax of Baille-nan-gaillean,
Arrowhead from the craftsman MacPheidirean
more of this poem in https://digital.nls.uk/dcn6/7842/78422213.6.pdf — p3324
<"The MacPhederans had their forge at Ferlochan in Benderloch, near Barcaldine House."> this is a bit confusing because Benderloch in this description is likely to be the WHOLE area as it was known before the railway came in and the modern settlement grew up, and Ferlochan is close to Barcaldine Castle, not house.. there is a travellers forge site at Rhugarve, but not certain if this is the same place
Their swords were said to be of outstanding finish and quality.
The Burn of the Easragan is near Ardchattan Priory, further up Loch Etive. (87) (Carmichael, Carmina Gaedelica ii, 359.)
A working farm with a wonderful local Fold of Highland Cattle

Through the years
Petition of Alexander MacKenzie in Ferlochan to Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, J.P., complaining of conduct of Alexander Cunningham, tenant in Ferlochan, in tearing petitioner's kale up from his garden.
GD170 Papers of the Campbell Family of Barcaldine 1539-1857
CountryCode GB
RepCode 234
RefNo GD170/1906
Repository National Archives of Scotland
Title Letter from Duncan McIntyre and Peter Sinclar, Acha, to Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, advocate.
Date 20 Jan 1788
Description Reminding Barcaldine that he has promised them the park of Ferlochan. Dated at Rugarve.
- 1793
- | Maria Colquhoun is born at Ferlochan, daughter of Angus Colquhoun and Mary Cunningham - she marries Ewan Cameron at Kilmallie and they emigrate to Otago New Zealand in 1840, where she dies in 1873.
census 1841 shows that the township was quite extensive
Address: Ferlochan
CLARK John M 60 Farmer Argyllshire
CLARK Mary F 50 Argyllshire
CLARK John M 20 Argyllshire
CLARK James M 15 Argyllshire
CLARK Ann F 13 Argyllshire
CLARK Christian F 9 Argyllshire
CLARK Archibald M 7 Argyllshire
McDONALD Donald M 45 Cotter Argyllshire
McDONALD Elizabeth F 45 Argyllshire
McDONALD Catherine F 20 Argyllshire
McDONALD Archibald M 15 Argyllshire
McDONALD Duncan M 11 Argyllshire
McDONALD Sally F 8 Argyllshire
McDONALD Mary F 6 Argyllshire
McDONALD James M 3 Argyllshire
MCINTYRE Margaret. F 60 Cotter ArgyllshireFolio: 3 Page: 4
Address: Ferlochan
MCDONALD Duncan M 65 Navy Pensioner Argyllshire
McDONALD Mary F 55 Argyllshire
McDONALD John M 14 Argyllshire
McCOWAN Christian F 9 Argyllshire
CAMERON John M 55 Farmer Argyllshire
CAMERON Mary F 45 Argyllshire
CAMERON Dugald. M 29 Argyllshire
CAMERON Mary F 14 Argyllshire
CAMERON Christian F 11 Argyllshire
CAMERON Margaret F 4 Argyllshire
BROWN Peter M 70 Farmer Argyllshire
BROWN Ann F 75 Argyllshire
BROWN John M 40 Argyllshire
BROWN Mary F 35 Argyllshire
McCORQUADALE Archibald M 15 Ag Lab Argyllshire
McINTYRE Donald. M 13 Ag Lab Argyllshire
McKENZIE John M 70 Argyllshire
DRUMMOND Peter M 7 Argyllshire
McKENZIE William M 50 FarmerArgyllshire
McKENZIE John M 20 Argyllshire
McKENZIE Archibald M 13 Argyllshire
McKENZIE John M 80 Argyllshire
CAMERON Ann F 35 Female Servant Argyllshire
McDONALD Mary F 50 Cotter ArgyllshireFolio: 3 Page: 5
Address: Ferlochan
CUNNINGHAM Dugald. M 40 FarmerArgyllshire
CUNNINGHAM Catherine F 30 Argyllshire
CUMMINGHAM Mary F 89 Argyllshire
McDONALD Mary F 14 Female Servant Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM Donald. M 50 Farmer Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM Mary F 35Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM John M 10Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM Mary F 8 Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM Alexander M 6 Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM James M 3 Argyllshire
CUNNINGHAM Catherine F 1 Argyllshire
COWAN Colin M 14 Ag LabArgyllshire
KENNEDY Angus M 35 Ag LabArgyllshire
KENNEDY Mary F 25 Argyllshire
KENNEDY Ann F 2 Argyllshire
KENNEDY Christian F 6mArgyllshire
McPHEE Jessie F 12 Female Servant Argyllshire
McPHEE Ann F 20 Argyllshire
McLACHLAN Duncan. M 10 Male Servant Argyllshire
The inauguaral 1845 Parochial board meeting mentions "Donald McDonald Ferlochan Crofts [dead]" and "Margaret McIntrye Ferlochan [dead]" as a couple of the paupers of the parish.
New applicants considered at a meeting of the Parochial board at Barcaldine House in february 1846
The following were recommended to be admitted to the roll of Paupers vis –
4th Class
Jean Carmichael Ferlochan to receive ten shillings of occasional aid.
Widow McDonald or Mary Cunningham Ferlochan As her family are all grown up and should be able to assist and that she appears to enjoy good health and lives beside her brothers who are farmers from whom she has a free house and potato ground her admision on the roll is in the mean time is refused.
Culcharran hereCivil Parish | ED | Folio | Page | Schd | House | Address | X | Surname | Forenames | X | Rel. | C | Sex | Age | year of birth | Occupation | E | X | CHP | Place of birth |
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 4 | 17 | Ferlochan | McKenzie | Dugald | Head | M | M | 62 | 1789 | Farmer of 20 acres | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
McKenzie | Ann | Wife | M | F | 58 | 1793 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McKenzie | Margaret | Dau | M | F | 32 | 1819 | Carpenter's Wife | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McKenzie | Dugald | Son | Unmarried | M | 22 | 1829 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McKenzie | Flora | Dau | Unmarried | F | 17 | 1834 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McKenzie | Alexander | Son | Unmarried | M | 13 | 1838 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McKenzie | Archibald | Grnson | Unmarried | M | 1 | 1850 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McKenzie | Sarah | Mother | Widow[er] | F | 92 | 1759 | - | ARL | Glenorchy | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 4 | 18 | Ferlochan | Brown | Peter | Head | Widow[er] | M | 82 | 1769 | Retired Farmer | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
Brown | Colin | Son | Unmarried | M | 40 | 1811 | Mason and Farmer of 32 acres | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Brown | Mary | Dau | Unmarried | F | 50 | 1801 | Housekeeper | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McCall | Margaret | Servant | Unmarried | F | 17 | 1834 | General Servant | ARL | Lismore | |||||||||||
McDonald | Neil | Servant | Unmarried | M | 20 | 1831 | Ploughman | LKS | Glasgow | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 5 | 19 | Ferlochan | Carmichael | Jean | Head | Unmarried | F | 49 | 1802 | Pauper (Servant) | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
Carmichael | Christian | Mother | Widow[er] | F | 90 | 1761 | Pauper (Servant) | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 5 | 20 | Ferlochan | Kennedy | Angus | Head | M | M | 48 | 1803 | Ag. Labourer | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
Kennedy | Mary | Wife | M | F | 37 | 1814 | - | ARL | Strontian | |||||||||||
Kennedy | Ann | Dau | Unmarried | F | 12 | 1839 | Scholar | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Kennedy | Christian | Dau | Unmarried | F | 10 | 1841 | Scholar | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Kennedy | Angus | Son | Unmarried | M | 8 | 1843 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Kennedy | Janet | Dau | Unmarried | F | 6 | 1845 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Kennedy | Jean | Dau | Unmarried | F | 4 | 1847 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 5 | 21 | Ferlochan | Campbell | Hugh | Head | M | M | 63 | 1788 | Farm Labourer & Crofter of 13 acres | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
Campbell | Mary | Wife | M | F | 57 | 1794 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Campbell | John | Son | Unmarried | M | 25 | 1826 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Campbell | Hugh | Son | Unmarried | M | 21 | 1830 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Campbell | Margaret | Dau | Unmarried | F | 17 | 1834 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 5 | 22 | Ferlochan | Clark | John | Head | M | M | 70 | 1781 | Farmer of 20 acres | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
Clark | Mary | Wife | M | F | 62 | 1789 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Clark | John | Son | Unmarried | M | 30 | 1821 | Farm Servant | ARL | Kilmore | |||||||||||
Clark | Alexander | Son | Unmarried | M | 27 | 1824 | Farm Servant | ARL | Kilmore | |||||||||||
Clark | Ann | Dau | Unmarried | F | 22 | 1829 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Clark | Archibald | Son | Unmarried | M | 17 | 1834 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 6 | 23 | Ferlochan | McDonald | Elizabeth | Head | Widow[er] | F | 58 | 1793 | Pauper (Servant) | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
McDonald | Christian | Dau | Unmarried | F | 34 | 1817 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McDonald | Catharine | Dau | Unmarried | F | 32 | 1819 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McDonald | James | Son | Unmarried | M | 15 | 1836 | Scholar | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McDonald | not named | Grnson | Unmarried | M | 7m | 1850 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 6 | 24 | Ferlochan | Cameron | John | Head | M | M | 68 | 1783 | Farmer of 20 acres | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
Cameron | Mary | Wife | M | F | 58 | 1793 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Cameron | Dugald | Son | Unmarried | M | 38 | 1813 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Cameron | Ann | Dau | Unmarried | F | 26 | 1825 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Cameron | Mary | Dau | Unmarried | F | 22 | 1829 | Farm Servant | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Cameron | Christian | Dau | Unmarried | F | 19 | 1832 | Dressmaker | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Cameron | Margaret | Dau | Unmarried | F | 13 | 1838 | Scholar | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
Goodfellow | John | Grnson | Unmarried | M | 6 | 1845 | - | LKS | Partick | |||||||||||
Ardchattan | 2 | 0 | 6 | 25 | Ferlochan | McDonald | Duncan | Head | M | M | 77 | 1774 | Navy Pensioner Chelsea | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||
McDonald | Mary | Wife | M | F | 65 | 1786 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McDonald | Janet | Dau | Unmarried | F | 36 | 1815 | - | ARL | Ardchattan | |||||||||||
McDonald | John | Son | Unmarried | M | 23 | 1828 | Under Gardener | ARL | Ardchattan |
Rhugave next
We have the rest of the census records to add here
1874 : Probate of Dugald McKenzie - 16 Apr 1874, digital copy held
by 1881 census the arrangement of the township had substantially altered
Dwelling: Rhugarve
Census Place: Ardchattan & Muckairn, Argyll, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203554 GRO Ref Volume 504 EnumDist 2 Page 6
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Dugald CUNNINGHAM M 82 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Head Occ: Smith
Margret CUNNINGHAM M 70 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Wife
Margret CUNNINGHAM U 36 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Daur Occ: Smiths Daughter
Archibald CUNNINGHAM U 75 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Brother Occ: Smith
Donald CUNNINGHAM U 72 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Brother Occ: Pauper Formerly SmithDwelling: Park
Census Place: Ardchattan & Muckairn, Argyll, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203554 GRO Ref Volume 504 EnumDist 2 Page 6
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Peter MC INTYRE W 60 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Head Occ: Farmer (Of 24 Acres 12 Arable)
Ann MC INTYRE U 32 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Daur Occ: Cook
Catherine MC INTYRE U 25 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Daur Occ: Farmers Daughter
John MC INTYRE U 19 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Son Occ: Farmers Son
Isabella MC INTYRE U 21 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Daur Occ: Farmers Daughter
Peter MC INTYRE U 16 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Son Occ: Farmers Son
Donald MC INTYRE 10 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Son Occ: ScholarDwelling: Gathail
Census Place: Ardchattan & Muckairn, Argyll, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203554 GRO Ref Volume 504 EnumDist 2 Page 6
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Hugh CAMPBELL U 50 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Head Occ: Farmer (Of 36 Acres 15 Arable)
Margret FERGUSON W 40 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Serv Occ: Housekeeper
Catherine FERGUSON 11 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Boarder Occ: ScholarDwelling: Free Church Manse
Census Place: Ardchattan & Muckairn, Argyll, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203554 GRO Ref Volume 504 EnumDist 2 Page 6
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Isabella SUTHERLAND U 14 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Daur (Head) Occ: Scholar
Christina MC DONALD W 54 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Serv Occ: HousekeeperDwelling: Ferlochan
Census Place: Ardchattan & Muckairn, Argyll, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203554 GRO Ref Volume 504 EnumDist 2 Page 6
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Dugald MCKENZIE U 50 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Head Occ: Farmer (Of 300? Acres 60 Arable) his father only had 20 acres in 1851!
Ann MCKENZIE U 36 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Sister Occ: Farmers Sister
Dugald MCKENZIE 11 M Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Rel: Nephew Occ: Scholar
Alexander MCKENZIE 9 M Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Rel: Nephew Occ: Scholar
James MCPHAIL U 26 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Serv Occ: Farm Servant
Chirsty MCDOUGALL U 18 F Oban, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Serv Occ: General ServantDwelling: Hemp Croft
Census Place: Ardchattan & Muckairn, Argyll, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203554 GRO Ref Volume 504 EnumDist 2 Page 7
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
John SINCLAIR M 60 M Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Head Occ: Crofter (Of 16 Acres 12 Arable)
Sarah SINCLAIR M 60 F Ardchattan, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Wife
Margaret MC KELLAR (SINCLAIR) U 16 F Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Rel: Adopted Daur
Occ: Crofters Adopted Daughter
Jane MC ARTHUR U 16 F Lismore, Argyll, Scotland Rel: Serv Occ: General Servant
1888 Post office Directory
Ferlochan : Ledaig (4), Argyllshire : D. Mackenzie, farmer; and D. M 'Arthur.
Ferlochan Park : Ledaig (2|), Argyllshire : P. MTntyre.5
Newspaper article

Valuation rolls
We have Valuation roll search results to add here, you can search them yourselves in the page linked above, but we do not have copies of the records yet.
Wills for Ferlochan
from a search of Scotlands people (we have the ones in bold in the archive - if anyone has a copy they can share with us, we would be very grateful)
- MacIlhavish John 08/10/1694 in Ferlochan, parish of Balevedan, d. Dec. 1689; Malcolm and Mary, children Inventory Argyll Commissary Court C C 2/5/4
- McKenzie Dugald 16/04/1874 Farmer at Ferlochan Dunoon Sheriff Court SC 51/32/19
- Cunningham James 15/12/1897 East Ferlochan, Benderloch, Parish of Ardchattan and Muckairn, d. 15/09/1897 at East Ferlochan, intestate Dunoon Sheriff Court SC 51/32/48 Archibald, his brother, inherited the £216
- Brown William 29/10/1900 Farmer, West Ferlochan, Parish of Ardchattan and Muckairn, d.13/01/1900 at West Ferlochan, testate : Dunoon Sheriff Court SC 51/32/52
Text From a clip from the Oban Times concerning Barcaldine Estate
Oban Times - 100 years ago (1886 ?)
The eviction main is beginning to make itself felt nearer home, casting it's evil blight over the peaceful inhabitants of Lismore and the humble tillers of the soil around the margin of the lovely Loch Nell. We mays as well explain - or rather a portion of it, as Mr Allan Grant Cameron, the laird retain about a third - was purchased by Mrs Ogilvie, belonging to Suffolk. She only entered into possession in November but her efforts to oust the tenants on the estate have been so vigorously prosecuted and so persistant that already more than half of them have been deprived of their holdings.
The farmers who have left the estate are Messrs MacIntyre, Home Farm, Buchanan, Achinreir; and Alexander and Duncan MacArthur, Mill Farm.
The crofters are :- Messrs John Ferguson, Crigan; John MacKenzie, Achawe; Donald Clark, Dalronach; Peter MacIntyre, Ferlochan Park; Archibald MacIntyre, Rhu Garbh; Archibald Cunningham, Slochanluaidh; Alexander MacDonald, Achinreir and the Widow MacDonald.
Old Crime - part of a Murder story around the township
1741 - Archibald McCallum murdering his wife Euphemia - he was the last man to be hanged from the old Tollbooth gibet.
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