Dalness is a significant estate at the head of Loch Etive.
under the management of National Trust of Scotland as part of the Glencoe and Dalness estate since the 1935 auction following the death of Lord Strathcona
| Dalness Estate holiday let
The estate of Dalness was in possession of the Macdonald family
In 1608 Angus Macdonald got a Tack thereof from Archibald Campbell of Inverawe, and it remained in the tenure of the family till, in 1694, the same superior granted a proper wadset to Alexander Macdonald of the lands of Dalness, who the same year became absolute owner of the estate, obtaining a feu-charter which for greater security he deposited with the Chief of Glegarry, where it remained till Glengarry's house was burned down by the Duke of Cumberland in 1746 and the charter was destroyed or lost. In 1764 the lands were feued of new by Mrs Janet Campbell of Inverawe to John Macdonald of Dalness. Alexander Macdonald of Dalness married Jean, daughter
to Dugald Maclachan of Corrounan. They had four sons, and after Iheir father's death in 1726, three of them, including the successor to the property, lived for some time with their grandfather at Corrie.1
1870 Argyllshire, Sheet XLV
1877 Sheet 53 - Ben Nevis
1897 Argyll and Bute Sheet XLV.SE
1968 NN15SE - A
Duncan Ban McIntyre lived in Dalness as a forester for Breadalbane after the disbandment of local regiment for the King created for the Jacobite Rising.
Here he married, and brought up his family.
Later he served in one of the Earl of Breadalbane''s fencible regiments, as cook to the regiment, raised in the year 1793, wherein he continued until he was discharged in 1799
The ruins of his cottage, situated on a level space between two streams, and shaded by old ash trees, must always be a sacred spot to the admirers of genius.2
He was inspired by life, events and the area in writing his poems
Including this of Glen Etive
“… Their a tè tha ‘n Guala Ghuilinn:
‘S mòr as duilich leum do ghearan.
The wife at Gualachuilinn will remark,
‘Much do I deplore your grievance.’
Bheir i nuas an t-uisge-beatha,
Dh’ fheuchainn an crath e dhìom an smalan.
She will fetch the whisky down to try
if it will shake the sadness off me.
… ‘S iomadh tè nì aodach guamach,
Ach cha luaidh I e gun cheathrar.
Many a woman can make a sumptious cloth,
but, without a quartet, cannot waulk it.
H-uile gruagach tha ‘n Gleann Eite,
Dh’ fheumainn-s’ iad a thighinn do ‘n bhaile.
I should want the damsels of Glen Etive
all to come into the township…”

Reference Title Date
GD202 Campbell family of Dunstaffnage, Argyllshire 1613-1927
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD202/2
Title Writs relating to lands of Inverawe, Dalness and Kilmartin in lordship of Lorne and sheriffdom of Argyll; lands of Ardeachin in barony of Lochow; lands of Auchalian, and lands of Kilmartin and Upper and Nether Largy in barony of Ardskeodneis and sheriffdom of Argyll. (6 items).
Dates 1650-1711
Access status Open
Location On site
Level Ite
GD202 Campbell family of Dunstaffnage, Argyllshire 1613-1927
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD202/5
Title Writs relating to lands of Inverawe, Dalness and Kilmartin and lordship of Lochow in lordship of Lorne and sheriffdom of Argyll. (7 items).
Dates 1790-1820
Access status Open
Location On site
Level Item
Reference Title Date
GD112 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) 1306-20th century
GD112/39 Correspondence c 1540-1655
GD112/39/481 Correspondence 1886-1888
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/39/481/1
Title E M Stuart, Dalness, Glen Etive, to Breadalbane
Dates 2 Nov 1886
Access status Open
Location On site
Description Has no objection to recipient's suggestion that he should put up a shed on writer's side of the Etive, along with a bridge strong enough for a pony; need for a post three times a week instead of two as at present in the glen.
Level File