Benderloch Veneduloche
Benderaloch Bennederaloch
Benedralouch Bean-aedir-da-loch
Moedderloch Meadarloch
Benderloch Charters : In Gaelic the name is Beinneadar-da-loch, the hill between the two lochs, corrupted in popular speech, according to Professor Watson, into Meadarloch.
1634 - Banaderloch - deer taken from the hill range ?
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112/39/52/16
Title Robert Campbell of Glenfalloch, Castelcalcharne, to the laird of Glenurquhy, his brother
Dates 17 Aug 1634
Access status Open
Location On site
Description His attendance at court at Inveraray to obtain a declarator of marches of recipient's lands of Sonachan; a long account of proceedings in this matter.
Slaughter of deer, roe and wildfowl in Appin, Dyrrour, Glencrans, Glenetive, Glenkinglas, Banaderloch, Glenurquhay and Lochow; rental of Braklie.
Benderaloch - or Benderloch - a name sufficiently descriptive of its physical aspect, for it signifies in Gaelic ("beinn-eadar-dha-loch) the mountain range between two arms of the sea1
St Modan of Rosneath p21
The lands surrounding Balmhaodan, forming the district of Benderloch, are alleged to have belonged to Modan, who was the head, so runs the tradition, of the clan MacLullich. An old phrase is still remembered in the district - Clann Lulich o thulaich Mhaodain ie the MacLullichs from the hill of Modan.
There is "tradition" in the church that the areas name of Balmhaodan, the town of Modan (indicating property, rather than a Cille - church indicating dedication) suggests that idea that Modan, whether an Irish immigrant or a native Celt, had acquired, or inheritage, property beside Loch Etive. The Aberdeen Breviary distinctly states that he, for Christ's service, relinquished "terrena haere-ditas"
In agreement wiht this is the old tradition, already referred to, still cherished in Ardchattan, that the Saint was chief of the McLullichs, and proprietory of Benderloch, the district in the centre of which his chapel stands. Lullich is a very old Celtic name, and appears frequently in the records of Moravia or Moray - the cradle of many Highland families ; and if Benderloch was owned by the head of the Clan Lullich, it must have been before the existence of any written records or charters. These go back to the twelfth century, but only testify to the lands being owned in succession by MacDougalls, Stewarts and Campbells.
The tradition thus carries us up to a remote antiquity, and may have originated there in the personal history of the man of high birth, wide possessions, and devoted zeal, whose name in the Kalendar is Modan, and who dedicated himself and his patrimony to the cause and the church of Christ.
1100's to 1300s these lands were mostly controlled by the MacDougalls
Ardchattan Priory was founded in 1230 by Duncan MacDougal, Lord of Argyll.
There are strong ties with St Columba's in Tiree, and Iona.
These lands were forfeited by John of Lorn and his father to the Campbells
Campbells influencial in Bruces return to power and their rewards were lands - including our parish
1309 Bruce was said to have held a gathering (parliament) here ?Ardchattan priory? of the gaelic speaking west coast chiefs. An event that could have had significant influence on the support he garnered for the upcoming battles, including Bannockburn in 1314
NOTES from Robert Bruce By G. W. S. Barrow pages 406 on
during Robert 1 reign began the rise to significant territorial lords ..
Colin Campbell - was an auditor for Bruce the competitor in 1291 and relative Neil (clerical Master)
1291 his son and heir Neil Campbell was bailie of crown lands of Lochawe and Ardskeodnish - Kilmartin parish.
likely he had hereditary claim to these lands.
held them on behalf of King JohnBruce
confirmed to his son Colin 1315 as a free barony for a birling of 40 oars
Sir Neil Campbell was one of that small band of noblemen without whose help in 1306 and 1307 Robert Bruce would hardly have survived, let alone recovered his kingdom
Until his death about 1315, Sir Neil was one of the kings most trusted counsellors.
His brothers shared in the family's rise under the new regime, being given large tracts of land forfeited by John MacDougall of Lorne.
Donald got part of Benderloch for one Ship of twenty six orders.for the Kings fleet which could be demanded as often as needed by the King
Dugald the isle of Torsa and many other islands
Duncan the lands of Duntrune.
Other Campbells who supported Bruce in his early years included Thomas, whose son Duncan confirmed in his fief for a birling of twenty two oars
and Sir Arthur, who was granted land in Benderloch, together with MacDougall strongholds of DUnollie and Ardstaffnage, for the quarter of a knights service.
The MacDougalls did not give up these lands lightly and there seem to be other records to find concerning their rights to lands into the 1328 .. backed up Balliol
Robertsons Index of Missing Charters 26 - 31 Sir Donald Campbell, second son of Cailein Mor had, from King Robert 1 a grant of "the lands which is called Veneduloche".
Title Benderloch, Argyll
Dates 1329
2. Copy charter of Robert I to Arthur Campbell, kt., of 3d land of Torniturkill in Lorn, and 1d land of Sronsoleur, 2d land of Lethnanalla with island thereof, 6d land of Glencricceris, 3d land of Blairhalchane and of Blarenanerchennach, 4d land of Alcanalkelich and of Achinvarich, 2d land of Kilmore, 2d land of Achinsure, 1d land of Dunolich and 3d land of Ardstofinche next lands of Dunolich, in free barony, and 3d land of Innerawin, 5d land of Achennaba, 5d land of Fearlochan, 5d land of Achennacreich and 5d land of Archendekath within Bennederaloch, in free barony, n.d. Copy attested by Sir John Hamiltoun of Magdalenis, kt., clerk of rolls, register and council, n.d.
RMSi/app.2 no. 372.2
3. Copy charter of Robert I to Duncan Campbell, kt., of lands of Benedralouch, with tenandry of lands of Gilcalme MacGilleconan, which lands were held by Arthur Campbell, and were resigned by Duncan Campbell, kt., his father.
Witnesses: Walter of Cunynghame, chancellor, Thomas Randolph, earl of Moray, and lord of Annandale and Mearns, king's grandson, James, lord of Douglas, Gilbert of Hay, Constable, Robert of Keyth, Marischal of Scotland, and Adam Mure, kts. At Carltoun in Carrick, 6 February a.r. 23 (1329).
RMSi/app.2 no. 6603
Highland Papers page 195
The two charters that follow relate to the Benderloch, that is the district lying between Loch Creran on the north and Loch Etive on the south and east. In Gaelic the name is Beinneadar-da-loch, the hill between the two lochs, corrupted in popular speech, according to Professor Watson, into Meadarloch.
Lying in Lome, it was, with the rest of their possessions, forfeited by Alexander de Ergadia and his son John of Lome. Certain parts were granted by King Robert i. to Sir Arthur Campbell, who had already received the Constabulary of Dunstaffnage and the maines thereof(Robertson’s Index, p. 15, No. 15), and also a grant of lands in Appin,2 and the first of the two charters, now printed, is thus noted (ib., 15-19) ‘ to Arthur Campbell of the 3 penny land of Torrinturks in Lome with many other lands.’ An examination of the map shows that these lands he on both sides of Loch Etive— but none far from Dunstaffnage. From Sir Arthur the lands contained in this charter apparently passed to his son Arthur and then to his grandson Yvar who, some time prior to 1364, seems to have mortgaged them to Donald, Earl of Lennox (supra, p. 16). And in 1385 Yvar Campbell of Strachur, the grandson of this Yvar, disponed his reversionary rights in them to Duncan, eighth Earl of Lennox (supra, p. 17). Absence of writs makes their subsequent history obscure. But there seems little doubt but that the superiority at all events formed part of the Lordship of Lome, which was restored to John MacAlan who married Janet MacYsak, passed to the Stewarts, and finally was acquired by Argyll in 1470.
Before that date the lands south of Loch Etive had become known as the Estate of Lochnell and were possessed by a family of Macdougalls whose rights were acquired by Argyll in 1498.
The original charter is not known to exist, but in the Breadal- bane Charter Chest is a contemporary copy of an official extract from the Great Seal Register. This volume of the Register is not extant, and is probably one of those carried off by Cromwell and lost at sea. From this copy of the extract the present print is made.
By the other charter, dated 6 February 1329, Robert i. granted to Sir Duncan Campbell, on the resignation of his father Sir Donald, all the lands of the Benderloch except those already given to Sir Arthur Campbell.
Sir Donald had also received Redcastle in Angus and made it over to his son Duncan, who married Susanna Cranford and founded the House of Loudoun. Thereafter these lands seem to have been regarded, like the others, as falling within the Lordship of Lome, and in due time passed to Argyll, who granted out many of them to Glenorchy, whose possession of them was unchallenged. In 1622, however, Hugh, Lord Loudoun, died leaving two granddaughters by his deceased son. He had arranged the marriage of the elder to the eldest son of Campbell of Lawers, in whose favour he resigned his estates and dignity (vide vol. iii. p. 308 n.). Shortly thereafter this new Lord Loudoun put forward a claim to the Benderloch lands on the footing that the right to these had been trans- mitted to his wife and hersister, and that they had been in non- entry since the death of Sir Duncan. His procedure was ingenious. First of all he obtained from the Crown for a nominal sum of £40, on 23 August 1626, a ‘ gift of the non- entres mailles and fermes of the lands in the charter said to be in the Kings hands since the death of umquhile Sir Duncan Campbell ’ (R.S.S., xcix. p. 73). Then he had his wife and her sister served heirs portioners to Sir Duncan, and started litigation with Glenorchy, who was ultimately constrained to buy off those claims by a payment of 24,000 merks. Without much more knowledge of the facts, it is not easy to see how any flaw in Glenorchy’s title had not been cured by pre- scription, but it may be taken for granted that he would not have paid this large sum if he could have helped it! In the course of these proceedings this charter by King Robert i. was produced, and in respect that it was frail the Court ordered it to be formally transumed (Acts and Decreets, 426.66), and it is now printed from an old copy in the Breadalbane Charter Chest and compared with the transumpt in the Books of Court.
1 Now Logie-Rait.
2 In the Register House Index this Charter appears merely as Arthure Campbell de Kynlouchlane et aliis—but the editor is informed by the Duke of Argyll that it is entered in an old inventory as of the lands of Kinlochlyon, Glenstandill, Killargie, Auchingewall and others. Reddendo a birling of 20 oars with men and provisions, and date 3 April and 24th year of the King’s reign. N
Pont map notes from 1600 : "it is cald Bean-aedir-da-loch that is a mowntayn betuix two Lochis, and so it lyeth betuix Loch-aediff and Loch-Greverin ."4
1654 : Beandirloch :| Blaeu Map
1630, January 115
Bond by John Duy McIllemartine in Ferlochane, Duncan McIllemartine in Cuilcharane, Ewir McIllemartine there, Gillmartine McEandoy, servitor to John McDougall in Ferlochane, and Gillpatrick McCondachykean, servitor to Patrick Campbell in Barrachaldane, all surnamed McIllmartine, indwellers in Lorne and Benderalloche, to serve Robert Campbell of Glenfalloche, during his lifetime, and after his decease, John Campbell, his eldest lawful son, his heirs and successors, and to pay at their deaths, a sufficient tidy cow or a horse worth £16.
GD170 Papers of the Campbell Family of Barcaldine 1539-1961
Country code GB
Repository code 234
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD170/223
Title Rentals
Dates 1687-1693
Access status Open
Location On site
Description Achacha, n.d.
Appin, n.d.
Barcaldine 1687
Barcaldine's lands in Beanderloch and Leismor, crop 1691.
Recent road signs have used the version - Meaderloch .. land between two lochs ?
One of very few references using Moedderloch is the Duke of Argylls estate map of 1734 : by Cowley [] Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) GD112/2. Titles to particular lands, 1329-1869
These are arranged according to the old handlist, which placed the various lands in roughly alphabetical order. They related mainly to the Breadalbane lands in Argyll and Perthshire, extending not just 'from Ben More to Kenmore', but from Easdale to Perth, and include material concerning the families of McDougall of Phantilands and Menzies of Shian, and the suppression of the McGregors. The earliest documents [1329] are copies of extracts from the lost charter rolls of Robert I, of charters relating to Benderloch [see also Sections 62 and 75].
John Campbell, the Bard of Ledaig, includes Mucairn and Meaderloch in one of his poems
The swan on the loch that belongs to thy people
Made vocal the billow to welcome thee home,
And Mucairn and Meaderloch shouted together, (in the gaelic version Meadarloch 's Muc-carna)
"The Campbells are coming, the Campbell is come !"6
Ach bha seana-bhean ann am Meadarloch a
dh'innis dhomh gun robh còta aig Caimbeulach
Ghlinn Iubhair 's bha putan airgid air mu
choinneimh a h-uile mac dìolain a bh'aige. Uill…?
Co aig' tha fhios carson a mhortadh e…?
But there was an old woman in Benderloch
who told me that Campbell of Glenure had a
coat and it had a silver button for every
illegitimate son he had. Well…? Who knows
whey he was murdered…?7
Sources (need to follow up, not sure where these can be found)
Meadar loch Robertson
meudarloch Gaelic Proverbs, 608
Meadarloch An t-Òranaiche 1879, 130
Benderloch in Lorn, for beinn eadar dà loch ‘hill between two lochs,’ is in Gaelic Meadarloch: Watson 1926, 241
Beinn Eadar da loch, corruptly now in Gaelic Meadarloch – Benderloch, hill between two lochs: Watson, Topographical Varia iv, 1911
Additional Information
See Ó Maolalaigh in Uses, 28 for a discussion of the development of the name from an original Beinn Eadar Dà Locha to the present Meadarloch.
Benederaloch : the old area of the land between the lochs Creran and Etive
Part of the estate bestowed on the Earl of Breadalbane on 13 August 1681 (Lord Glenorchy, Benederaloch, Ormelie and Weick) We need to find out exactly what this means - if anyone can help please get in touch
these records may help
GB234/GD1/1072 Cartulary of lands in Caithness Early 18th century
GB247/MS Gen 1032 John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane, household-book 1659-1671
GB247/MS Gen 1473 Settlement of land, Breadalbane 1694
GD112/15/402 Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments)
Vouchers of Carwhin's account of the rents of Glenorchy, crop and martinmas 1768. Settled at Taymouth, 7 September 1769
5. Legal account due to Zachary McCallum, messenger in Inveraray, December 1768, for warning 62 of Breadalbane's tenants in Glenurchy, Lochowside, Benderloch and Glencrerine, being from home 12 days, including ferry money. Paid 21 January 1769.
6. Legal account due to Duncan Campbell, writer in Inveraray, for libelling summons of removal at Breadalbane's instance against 38 tenants in parish of Clachandysart, 24 in parish of Kilchrenan, and against Duncan Campbell of Glenure from farms in parishes of Clachandysart and Ardchattan, 1768-9. Paid 22 May 1769.
Repository National Records of Scotland
Reference GD112
Title Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments)
Dates 1306-20th century
Access status Open
- GD112/2. Titles to particular lands, 1329-1869
These are arranged according to the old handlist, which placed the various lands in roughly alphabetical order. They related mainly to the Breadalbane lands in Argyll and Perthshire, extending not just 'from Ben More to Kenmore', but from Easdale to Perth, and include material concerning the families of McDougall of Phantilands and Menzies of Shian, and the suppression of the McGregors. The earliest documents [1329] are copies of extracts from the lost charter rolls of Robert I, of charters relating to Benderloch [see also Sections 62 and 75].
Benderloch : the modern village which grew up following the arrival of the railway at the turn of the 1900's, with St Modan's kirk being built, then gradual infill between Selma and Craigneuk