Ben Cruachan

Ben Cruachan
Cruach na Beinne
3,694ft (1,126m) & a Munro
(possible meaning : Mountains of Peaks )

It may also have a connection with the ancient capital of the kingdom of Connachta in Ireland illustrating the deep connection that the area has with the very first Dalriatic Scotti communities (before Dunadd !!) - who conquer this area from the Picts.

Rathcroghan (Irish: Ráth Cruachan, meaning "fort of Cruachan") is a complex of archaeological sites near Tulsk in County Roscommon, Ireland. It is identified as the site of Cruachan, the traditional capital of the Connachta, a term used to describe the prehistoric and early historic rulers of the western territory. The Rathcroghan Complex (Crúachan Aí) is a unique archaeological landscape with many references found in early Irish medieval manuscripts.1

OS grid · NN069304

The Battle cry of the Clan Campbell and the MacIntyres

Tallest mountain of our area, that can be seen for many many miles in all directions, dominating the horizon of communities throughout so much of Argyll.

The Folk lore includes the old woman - the Cailleach - both in Argyll and Ireland :

The Cailleach is prominent in the landscape of Argyll and Bute, Scotland. In later tales she is known as the Cailleach nan Cruachan ("the witch of Ben Cruachan"). Ben Cruachan is the tallest mountain in the region. Tea-towels and postcards of her are sold in the visitor shop for the Hollow Mountain, which also features a mural depicting her accidental creation of Loch Awe.[27]
Legend has it that the Cailleach was tired from a long day herding deer. Atop Ben Cruachan she fell asleep on her watch and a well she was tending overflowed, running down from the highlands and flooding the valleys below, forming first a river and then the loch.2

Modern era - Cruachan Dam, hydro electric dam.

Song .. Norman McKinnon Tir nan Beann
[Fonn / Tune]
Cruachan-beann, Cruachan-beann,
Cruachan-beann ’s mór mo thlachd dhiot.
Cruachan-beann thar gach meall,
’S a chuid allt ’ruith tromh ghlacaibh.

Cruachan-beann ’s e cho mór,
Tha e sònraicht’ r’a fhaicinn —
Chan eil a leithid ’san Roinn-Eòrp,
’S geal a chòta ’n àm sneachda.

Cloinn-an-t-Saoir d’am bu dual
’Bhi ’nad chluanagan fasgach;
An diugh chan fhaic mi aon de’n àl
’Gabhail tàmh ann ad thaice.

’S iomadh linn bho’n fhuair iad còir
Air a’ bheinn a’s bòidhch’ r’a faicinn;
Is fhad ’s a ruitheas uillt gu cuan,
Bidh an dualchas ud aca.

Aite ’s maisiche fo’n ghréin —
Chaoidh cha leur dhomh r’a fhaicinn;
’S bho ’n a chuir iad thu fo fhéidh,
’S goirt mo dheur ’gabhail beachd ort.

Fichead mìle tha mu’n cuairt
Anns a’ chruaich ud tha maiseach;
Agus trì dhiubh air àird —
’S iomadh bàrd a ghabh beachd ort.

Soraidh nis le Cruachan-beann,
Leis gach coire, gleann is glacan;
’S e mo dhùrachd Cloinn-an-t-Saoir
A bhi chòmhnuidh ’na thaice.

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