Obit in US newspaper APA Pub News 5 Dec 1914 Obit Dr A C Fraser Ardchattan
RECENT DEATHS EDUCATOR WAS ALSO k WRITER Dr. Alexander Campbell Fraser, University Professor and Lecturer, Was Author of Notable Works Dr. Alexander Campbell Fraser, professor emeritus of logic and metaphysics in Edinburgh University, whose death in Edinburgh was briefly announced yesterday, was born at Ardchattan Manse, - County of Argyll, Scotland, in 1819.
He was educated, at Edinburgh and became professor of loglo at New College: Edinburgh, In URL He held that post until 1808, when he was appointed professor of logic and metaphysics at Edinburgh University, succeeding Sir William Hamilton. From 1830 to 1857 he was editor of the North British Review. Dr. Fraser received many honorary degrees, among them that of D. C.
L., from Oxford, In 1883; that of LL.D. from Princeton In 1856, and the degree of Lltt. D. from Dublin in UK t. He was Gifford lecturer In natural theology In Edinburgh, 1894 to 1896; a member of the Metaphysical Society of London, examiner for Cambridge Tripos, 1872, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Edinburgh, and of the British Academy. Aa a writer his works have included Essays in Philosophy. Essays. Philosophical and Miscellaneous, Life and Letters of Berkeley, Berkeley In Philosophical Classics. "Lockes Essay on Human Understanding, with Prolegomena, Notes and Dissertations. Philosophy of Theism, Locke aa a Factor in Modem Thought," which was read in the British Academy on the bicentenary of Lockes death, lno. and Berkeley and Spiritual Realism."1
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