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Cameron Barcaldine

Article in North British Daily Mail about Lochnell (highland tour)
North British Daily Mail 22 Sept 1852
Tour of the Highlands

The opposite side of the loch is the property of Lochnell, an entailed estate which has undergone strange mutations of ownership since old General Campbell's death. If anything were awanting to show the evils of that old world system of feudal prescription, the history of Lochnell within the last twenty years or less would point a moral, as well as prove an excellent groundwork for a romance. Old General Campbell's successor only enjoyed the estate a few months when he died, and his family of daughters were at once turned out of house and home, from affluence to penury. The next heir soon died, as did also his successor; and we believe the estate is now in the hands of the trustees of an extensive army agent who became bankrupt some years ago.
General Campbell built what is called in the district "a show house" or round tower, on the culminating point of the high ground behind the mansion house, from whence a most magnificant view is to be obtained of one of the finest panoramas in the West Highlands. The grounds around Lochnell are well laid out, but not now kept in the order they were wont to be. there is a curious tradition, and so far confirmed by experience that no son of the laird of Lochnell will ever succeed the father. The tradition is founded upon the circumstance that when the mansion house, which is magnificent, was being built, the laird cut down some venerable yews growing in a churchyard that was considered more than usually sanctimonious, with which to form the grand staircase. The prediction or curse followed this act of sacrilegious vandalism, and has been as yet fulfilled to the letter, for no son has succeeded the father in Lochnell since that time. However, there are many cases where like results have occurred without the traditional curse, but they are not considered as remarkable, and escape observation. The prophecy, at all events, fixes attention upon the circumstance, and they are then looked upon in the relation of cause and effect.
(then moves on to Dunstaffnage)

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